A Cognitive Behavioural Therapist shares insights and reflections on all things mental health, wellbeing and life


A variety of factors can serve to add or take away from our wellbeing. Psychology Today defines well-being as ‘the experiences of health, happiness and prosperity. It includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, a sense of meaning or purpose, and the ability to manage stress.’

There may be times where maintaining our wellbeing feels easier than others, particularly if the conditions in our day to day lives enable or inhibit us in doing so. For instance some of the most expensive commodities in life may make this harder or in some cases easier. Time is valuable and for many of us having time and also financial freedom to actually invest in and attend to wellbeing can be a challenge and something that requires planning and thought. Also in figuring out the logistics of implementing such habits as well as resources can be a task in it’s self. Furthermore how we do know what provides us with the aspects that contribute to us feeling ‘well?’ I like to consider wellbeing as a journey of pursuits. Some we may embark upon within a short time frame and others we may find we are able to sustain for longer periods of time that then enable us to judge how these may be serving us. Thereby making choices to continue or to park certain ventures.

For me getting out and going for walks in nature is a win for my wellbeing. Being able to appreciate and notice beautiful colours that may be around provides a sense of pleasure. This has been successful in remaining as part of my repetois of behaviours to promote my wellbeing which takes effort for me to ensure I engage in this regularly. Of course there may be times where consistency falls. When I notice this I know that if I take the time to get back into this behaviour I am taking steps towards my wellbeing and in doing something I know feeds my mood in a positive way.

Here are some themes relating to wellbeing that you may find helpful to reflect on and stay tuned for more!

Where to start?

A place to start if we are not sure what may be good for our wellbeing can be to think about what we value and what we care about. Russ Harris defines values how we want to behave and how we want to treat ourselves, others and the world on an ongoing basis.Making a list or even just setting some time to have a think could bring about some ideas. A link to this can be found below-


Mindful Minds

Our minds have the ability to be our best friend or our worst enemy. Our thoughts have the power to influence so much of how we feel as well as what we do. By working with our thoughts instead of against them we can experiment with creating a distance from them. After all not ALL of our thoughts are facts. They do not all deserve the weight and attention we always allocate to them. We have the power and choice to give ourselves time to decide how we want to respond to them. This can have the potential of totally transforming the course of emotions that follow. Stay tuned for upcoming blog posts on this!


Key factors that I always turn towards when assessing my own or other’s wellbeing include- sleep, nutrition and exercise. Checking out how we are doing in these three areas and adjusting if need be can give us a better chance of building on this. Also if we are eating well, sleeping well and incorporating some movement we give ourselves a better chance of dealing with life when it becomes stressful or turns us on our heads!

Family and Relationships

Relationships have play a significant role in our wellbeing journey. Having quality, trusting and uplifting relationships can serve to enhance our wellbeing. Connection and meaningful relationships have been found to be one of the most key ingredients for wellbeing and overall happiness. Alternatively some relationships may deplete us of our energy, self-esteem and resources and can have an unwanted impact on our wellbeing.

Wellbeing and Work

Our professional life can have a profound impact on our wellbeing and often feeds into the foundations mentioned. Reviewing and reflecting on work and how we are functioning in and outside of this can be key in fine tuning any areas that may feel out of balance.

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